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C3LEBJ0 Forums - Registration

0. What is

The forums are a place for people who enjoy discussing and sharing the sexual enjoyment of female celebrities.
Members here can share pictures, videos and fantasies about their favourite celebs and meet like-minded people to chat with.

Needless to say, this website contains ADULT material and should not be viewed by anyone under that age of 18.

1. Membership

Anyone over the age of 18 may sign up for a celebjo account, but all new users must write an introductory post before gaining access to the rest of the board.
New users will find guidance for this by navigating to the "Inductions" sub-forum when signing in for the first time.

Our current membership groups/classes:
New User: Zero posts
Visitor: Less than 25 posts
Member: 25 posts or more
Addict: 1000 posts or more

New Users have access to the "Inductions" forum only until they have completed their introduction post. Visitors are granted basic forum access but denied advanced functionality until they reach Member status; this is designed to encourage participation from new members and stimulate overall forum activity. Reaching Addict status currently confers no inherent benefit and is used solely to identify our top posters.

Reaching Member status unlocks the following:
  • Membership invites.
  • Avatars & signatures.
  • Profiles & memberlist
  • Search feature.
  • Forum chatroom.
  • Site banners.
  • Additional Forums:
  • "Requests"
  • "Stories & Fantasies"
  • "Website Links"
  • "Offsite Content"
  • "Games & Polls"

New members may be tempted to make 25 posts of “hot pics” or “nice post” in quick succession to unlock the additional feaures, this is considered “post-padding” and a Moderator/Admin may choose to delete these posts and issue a warning. We dont expect everyone to post long, considered replies every time but please consider that your reply might be very important to the topic author so try and get more involved in the discussion.

Account Changes/Closures
Anyone wishing to change their username or deactivate/close their account must contact a forum administrator; we may choose to retain your posts if we consider it disruptive to remove them entirely.

Account Pruning
A forum administrator may choose to carry out user pruning at any time in order to remove inactive accounts, pruned accounts will be deleted permanently but any forum posts will be retained. Accounts will be pruned using the following criteria:
    • New members, no post in 1 month.
    • <10 posts, no visit in 1 month or no post in 3 months.
    • <15 posts, no visit for 3 months or no post in 6 months.
    • <20 posts, no visit for 6 months or no post in 9 months.
    • <25 posts, no visit for 9 months or no post in 12 months.

2. Global Forum Settings

  • Messages may not exceed 60,000 characters.
  • Avatars must be no larger than 150x150px and 1.25mb.
  • Signature images must be no larger than 700x200px.
  • Signature text may not exceed 500 characters.
  • Visitors must wait 60 seconds between posting messages.
  • Visitors must wait 30 seconds between forum searches.

3. Content

C3LEBJ0's moderator team may remove any content which is deemed unsuitable for this website.

Banned Content
Racial discrimination is strictly forbidden.
No talk of violence, rape, scat, incest or bestiality.
Leaked nude photos or links to sex-tapes may not be posted unless the celebrity has made such material available themselves or expressed approval or indifference to their availability.

Underage Content
Celebrities mentioned or pictured on this website must be at least 18 years old; in the case of images they must be over 18 on the date the image was taken. If you are unsure of a celebrity's age or the date on which the photo was taken then do not post anything. NO EXCUSES.

Amateur Content
This website is for the discussion of celebrities including actors, musicians, athletes, models, pornstars, internet personalities or anyone else with a clear or implicit desire to be discussed and pictured in a public forum. If this cannot be reasonably assumed then we deem the person to be an “amateur” and discussing or picturing them here is not permitted.

Chat Transcripts
The posting of chat transcripts is covered in more detail in the relevant subforum, we have a duty of care to respect the privacy of our members and take any abuse of this feature very seriously.

Fictional Characters
We feel it is reasonable to class comic-book, animated and video game characters as celebrities for the purposes of this website. Such characters are subject to the same rules on banned and underage content as regular celebrities so if a character is (or appears to be) underage then do not post them.

3rd Party Content
Though we at C3LEBJ0 do not condone the linking to sites that contain underage and/or amateur girls, some linked sites such as LazyGirls, SuperiorPics or celebrity gossip blogs may contain images of underage and/or amateur girls in non-sexual situations and C3LEBJ0 cannot control the content on those websites.

The advertising of any product/service not related to C3LEBJ0 is prohibited unless you have the permission of a forum administrator. Promoting a website or blog is fine as long as it is related to C3LEBJ0 in some way and goes in the correct section. Repeatedly posting about the same website/product will be considered spamming and the posts may be removed.

Posting Images
When making “Gallery” posts with a large number of images, thumbnails should be no larger than 250x250px
When posting individual images or very small groups of images, thumbnails may be as large as 500x500px
A Moderator/Admin may ask you to re-size your images if they think you are posting them too large/small.

Posting Guidelines
The following guidelines should be followed when posting to the forums:
  1. The language of this forum is English. Whilst it may not be your first language, please try to make yourself understandable.
  2. lease remain polite and civil when dealing with other members.
  3. Never air personal disputes with other members publicly on the forums.
  4. Please respect other people's sexuality
  5. Exclusively bisexual topics should be marked clearly as such
  6. Please respect other people's opinions and do not force your own.
  7. Try to stay on topic, if you think of a new idea while posting, start a new thread instead of hijacking an existing one.
  8. “Bumping” an old thread is generally discouraged unless you have something worthwhile to add to the topic/discussion.
  9. Galleries must include “thumbnail” pictures
    • Images which exceed forum size limitations will be removed.
    • Links to external galleries go in the “Website Links” forum
  10. Clear and detailed topic titles should be used wherever possible.
    • Eg “Avril Lavigne Maxim Feb 2008 HQ”, not just “Avril”
    • Eg “MemberX's Introduction”, not just “Hi”
  11. Duplicate topics should be avoided, please use the search function to check before posting.
  12. Always post to the correct forum, if you are unsure where it goes then post to “General Chat”" and a moderator will move it later if necessary.

4. Warnings/Bans

A serious breach of forum rules may lead to an immediate ban by any member of the forums Moderator and Admin team whereas a minor breach will most likely lead to a polite reminder or warning. What constitutes “serious” or “minor” is left to the discretion of our team and we reserve the right to make judgement calls where no precedent exists.

An official warning lasts for 60 days and may sometimes be accompanied by a short ban, three or more active warnings and your account is banned indefinitely pending a review. We may also issue IP bans in order to stop banned users from signing up with a new account.

5. Privacy Policy

The C3LEBJ0 website collects information about you in the following ways:

Browsing the C3LEBJ0 Forums will cause the phpBB software to download small text files to your web browser's temporary files (cookies). These include a user identifier (“user-id”) and a session identifier (“session-id”), automatically assigned to you by the phpBB software. Further cookies will be created by browsing topics within the C3LEBJ0 Forums, these are used to store which topics have been read, thereby improving your user experience.

User Submitted Information:
The second way in which we collect your information is by what you submit to us, this includes basic information from your user profile and any posts which are made to the forums. Your account will at a bare minimum contain a uniquely identifiable username, a personal password and a valid e-mail address. All content posted to these forums is currently private to the community and will not appear on internet search engines, we are not responsible for any information or content being “leaked” by other forum members.